Rain Enhancement Technologies: Ionization Rainfall Generation Technology
Third-party trials show rainfall increase up to 18%
Chemical-free process
70-mile expected operating radius
- Rain Enhancement Technologies is dedicated to generating rainfall where people need it most.
- Third-party trials in Oman have shown an increase of as much as 18% in rainfall when using ionization rainfall generation technology.
- Our expected partnership model will provide rain generation/augmentation technology, as well as weather data and analysis, to future customers via a simple subscription format.
- We will prioritize land owners in critical locations during the rollout of the platform.
- Our climate is changing and the world's water crisis is worsening.
- Drought and water scarcity are a reality worldwide making fresh water one of the most important commodities of our time.
- [1]. 74% of Water Use Is Surface Water: https://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/surface-water-use-united-states#:~:text=Of%20all%20the%20water%20used,came%20from%20surface%2Dwater%20sources
- [2]. 25km^3 of Water are Overpumped Each Year: https://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/groundwater-decline-and-depletion
- [3]. 40% gap between water supply & demand ‘By 2030’. (2019, January 2). H2O Building Services. https://www.h2obuildingservices.co.uk/news/commercial-water-saving/40-gap-between-water-supply-demand-by-2030/